Thursday, February 2, 2012

Interviewing author James West about his new epic fantasy release, The God King

I'm very pleased to have the chance today to ask James West some questions about his wonderful new epic fantasy release, The God KingCONTEST: Giveaway for a copy of his book--see below.

Prince Varis Kilvar steals in order to become a god-king. What is the source of that power?
Driven by a sense of importance and ambition, Varis takes for himself the very powers of creation with the intention of raising himself above all the world and the heavens. 

Kian is forced by Varis to masquerade as the world’s savior. Why does Varis want Kian to play this role? 

Like all tyrants, the last thing Varis wants is to have anyone challenge his dominance. However, Varis’s actions, and Kian’s inadvertent connection to Varis, leaves Kian with no choice but to eventually set himself against Varis for the sake of the world. 

What powers bind Kian to Varis? 

In seeking and taking the powers of creation, Varis mistakenly releases a portion of those powers into the world. While he holds the bulk of those powers, Varis makes the mistake of believing no one, especially Kian, can thwart him. 

Is Kian convincing in the role as a savior? Does he have a following or an army to fight with him? 

Kian is a hard man who suffered greatly in his life, along with two others who are like brothers to him. All he really wants is to put aside his sword and return to the homelands of his youth, but the results of Varis’s actions ruin that dream. Even still, Kian nearly abandons the world, which has never shown him ease or kindness, to its fate. And if not for the love of a strong and determined woman, he might have done just that. In the end, he relies only on his skills as a fighting man, and a small cohort of like-minded individuals, to battle Varis. His role as a savior or a hero is something he neither covets, chases, or even considers. Kian is merely doing what is right because he happens to be the only one who can, even though it would seemingly serve him better to avoid the conflict altogether. 

Kian’s bitterness fuels his vengeance upon Varis. How did Varis betray him? 

Besides slaughtering the greatest part of Kian’s mercenary company, which for a time honorably protected Varis, the prince’s most painful betrayal is what he represents to Kian: the personification of injustice, cruelty, and oppression that he has spent the majority of his life trying to rise above and put behind him.   

Heroes are not born, they are forged in the fires of apocalypse...

In the heavens above, the three moons crash together, streaming fire and death in their wake; below, the seas rage as the roiling face of the world shatters. After Prince VarisKilvar steals powers to transform himself into a god, chaos reigns from the king's city of Ammathor to the forbidding walls of the Black Keep. At his heels marches a demonic army torn from the very bowels of the Thousand Hells, and the risen God King uses terror to stake his claim over all lands.

Betrayed and bound to Varis by powers he does not understand, mercenary KianValara is forced to masquerade as the world's savior, while a beautiful Sister of Najihar prepares him for his last battle. Victory against a living god is far from certain, but vengeance? For Kian, when the battle rage falls upon his soul and the sword hilt is hot and alive against his palm, vengeance is never out of reach.

Author Bio:
When James was thirteen years old he read The Talisman, by Stephen King, and a seed of an idea was planted that someday he, too, would create different worlds and realities. 

After a stint in the US Army, a year as a long-haul truck driver, and a couple as a log home builder, he enrolled at the University of Montana. There, he majored in Psychology and, by chance, took a creative writing course that allowed him to revisit that old seed of an idea of creating worlds. Words started to flow, and worlds were born.   

After college, he started a small woodworking business with the express purpose of using it to fund his writing journey. 

James lives in Montana with his wife and his bodyguard, a Mini-Schnauzer named Jonesy.

Important Links:
Twitter: @jwestbooks
Buy on Amazon
Buy on B&N
Giveaway Information:
The author is giving away one eBook copy of the book on all tour stops to a lucky commenter. The winner can choose the book in whatever eBook format they desire (via Smashwords coupon). This contest will be open internationally on all blogs.
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Marsha A. Moore is a writer of fantasy romance. The magic of art and nature spark life into her writing. She is the author of the Ciel's Legacy series, fantasy romance with fast action mermaid/pirate storylines: TEARS ON A TRANQUIL LAKE and TORTUGA TREASURE. Look for her first of an epic fantasy romance series, SEEKING A SCRIBE: ENCHANTED BOOKSTORE LEGENDS ONE, to be available March, 2012. For a FREE ebook download, read her historic fantasy, LE CIRQUE DE MAGIE, available at Amazon and Smashwords.


Alan Tucker said...

Terrific interview! Coincidentally, I'm also an author in Montana. Small world! Best of luck with the book, it sounds like a winner!