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Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Tea Leaf Tales: The Chosen Rabbit

     When the sun melted the snow from the ground and grey clouds from the sky, Patches knew. His nose twitched with anticipation, more each day as the sun scented the air with fragrant flowers and fresh green growth.
     His parents, aunts, uncles, and cousins had told him the tale of the great Goddess Eostre, who he’d not seen because her last coming occurred just prior to his birth, as was the case with many young ones. A beautiful vision of white light and long, flowing golden hair, she would arrive in the forest glade with much fanfare on Ostara Equinox Day for an extended celebration. They all said it was an honor to be one of her chosen, though they’d not been selected to serve as her emissaries so how could they know? What had happened to the privileged ones from past years? They never returned to the forest.
     When Goddess Eostre did arrive, the glade teemed with hundreds of rabbits from all corners of the forest, all vying for her recognition, but Patches hung at the edge, watching and apprehensive, for many days.
     On the tenth and final day, after dozens had been chosen, Eostre strolled the perimeter chatting with those old ones she remembered from years past.
     As she drew near, Patches trembled at her beauty and magnificence, but when her hand stroked his back with a warmth that permeated love deep into his heart, she instilled him with all the courage and resolve he needed to fulfill his role at her Easter sunrise.

Tea Leaf Tales is a series of original ten-sentence short stories by Marsha A. Moore, relating to photos/scenes that resonate with her. 

Marsha A. Moore is a writer of fantasy romance. The magic of art and nature spark life into her writing. 

JOIN MARSHA'S MAILING LIST and receive a free copy of her paranormal romance story RULER OF THE NIGHT.

Read Marsha's COON HOLLOW TALES of paranormal romance and her ENCHANTED BOOKSTORE LEGENDS for adventurous epic fantasy romance. For a FREE ebook download, read her historic fantasy, LE CIRQUE DE MAGIE, available at Amazon and Smashwords.