Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Magical Music in the NA fantasy Beggar Magic ~guest post by H.L. Burke and #contest

I'm pleased to bring my readers a fascinating guest post about magical music by H.L. Burke. Be sure to check out her new adult fantasy release Beggar Magic, as well as her wonderful contest at the end of this post.

How the Most Tone Deaf Woman in the World Wrote about Magical Music

by H. L. Burke, author of Beggar Magic

One of the most embarrassing episodes of my life was getting kicked off a local theater production of Annie. Honestly, it was a miracle I got cast in the first place. I knew one of the musical directors, and she liked my personality, or something like that. Somehow I bluffed my way through an audition and they were impressed at how fast I went off book, but a few weeks in and everything came crashing down. Everyone in charge realized they’d made a terrible mistake.

Perhaps they thought my slightly obnoxious (who am I kidding, let’s go with ‘shrill, strident, unpleasant’) voice would make for a good comic villain, but several rehearsals later, I was gently let go but still completely humiliated.

I’m musically challenged. I don’t listen to a  lot. My writing playlists are usually nature sounds and some new agey stuff that doesn’t tempt me to  sing along because that would just be embarrassing. If I sing, my two-year-old covers my mouth. It’s that bad.

However, in Gelia, music is everywhere. Music is magic.

Well, music is an oversimplification. The magic of Gelia manifests through invisible but audible beings called the Strains. Everyone hears the Strains a little differently, but they combine to fill the air with beautiful sounds. Sometimes they are harps or fiddles, sometimes bird songs or humming voices, bells, tinkling glass, falling rain, even laughter. The Strains reflect the personality of the listener. They also have a spiritual aspect, as they serve as guardian angels to their charges.

My two main characters, Leilani and Zebedy, are teen girls who bond over their mutual love of these invisible beings. Zebedy is Highmost, able to hear the lyrics to the music and chat with the Strains while Leilani is Common, only able to hear the music. Both, however, adore the Strains and are fascinated by what can be done with them.

The Strains, in turn, love the humans they watch after. They respond emotionally to the highs and lows about them. Have you ever wished your life had a soundtrack? Well, in Gelia, it would.

Actually, perhaps this magic system is my subconscious manifesting disappointment at not getting to be in a musical all those years ago. It made me write a world where life is a musical but fraught with magic and danger and mystery. Leilani and Zebedy navigate this world guided by the Strains. I hope you get a chance to read about their world and its music.

Marsha A. Moore is a writer of fantasy and fantasy romance. The magic of art and nature spark life into her writing. Read her ENCHANTED BOOKSTORE LEGENDS for adventurous, epic fantasy romance. Or enjoy a magical realism tale of a haunted yoga studio with SHADOWS OF SERENITY. For a FREE ebook sample of her writing, read her historic fantasy short story, LE CIRQUE DE MAGIE, available at Amazon and Smashwords.


Mary Preston said...

I was still reading Enid Blyton at that stage.

HLBurke said...

I've heard people talk about her, but I've never had a chance to read her work.