Today, I'd like to share with my readers an author interview with Rebecca Trogner. Be sure to check out her new release, as well as her great giveaway contest at the bottom of this post.
Thank you for having me on your site. I thought I’d try
something a tad different and ask myself questions I’d
like to be asked. Not that I don’t get asked interesting questions, but they
tend to be mostly the same. So here we go…
Vampires are
passé. So why do you write about them?
You can’t chase what is popular right now. You have to write
what you love or what inspires you. I do think that there has been a saturation
of vampires in the past couple of years. But readers and viewers fascinated by
the genre will always be interested in a new story.
How did you get a
vampire book published?
I was turned down by more agents than I’d like to remember.
Most of them liked the story, but were worried about having yet another vampire
book on the market. I just kept plugging away and it all worked out.
Krieger Barnes is
a 2,000 year old vampire. Why so old? Does his name hold any significance?
I wanted a character who’d been a vampire for centuries.
Who’d literally seen everything the world had to offer and survived to tell the
tale. Krieger is confident and comfortable in his own skin. Krieger is German
for warrior and it reflects him perfectly.
Lily Ayres isn’t the
typical female lead in a vampire novel. Why did you make her so unusual?
I patterned her a little off two people I know. They are
both quiet and rarely speak, but are strong willed, brilliant, and wondrously
unique. I wanted to stay true to that
part of Lily’s nature and still have her be in control of her life and who she
chooses to love.
One of your
characters is Merlin. How did that come about?
I was bored and clicked on the TV and there was this TV show
called Camelot. The Merlin in the series was Joseph Fiennes and I was
mesmerized by him. Thus Merlin became King Krieger’s advisor.
Will there be more
books in the series?
Yes, I’m writing the last book now.
The Last Guardian Rises
Last Keepers’ Daughter Series
Genre: Paranormal, Romance, Mystery
Publisher: Crescent Moon Press
Date of Publication: November 15,
ISBN: 978-0-9908827-6-3
E-ISBN: 978-0-9908827-7-0
Number of pages: 295
Word Count: 90,000 approx
Book Description:
Lily Ayres, Sanguis Ancilla to
Krieger Barnes, has retreated into the shadows of the archives, hiding from the
king and the intense emotions he arouses in her. How long can she deny him?
Will she accept her role in the Other world and the abilities arising within
Krieger Barnes, Vampire King of
North America, has shared his blood, his kingdom, and his heart with Lily. He
summons her, needing her nearness, needing her to attend the council meeting
with him.
Merlin, the king’s advisor, must
fight the darkness that threatens to overtake him. Can he survive the dark
Lucien Black, the wielder of the
Dragon Sword, is once again charged with Lily’s protection. How will he explain
his avoidance of her?
A being buried deep underground,
inside a cage of iron and wrapped in chains, escapes. Is he the dark entity
that the Others feel and fear?
Available at Amazon
He came back
cradling what looked like a journal in his large hands. It was bound in leather
with a faded black ribbon tied around the covers.
“Fell, I guess.”
Lily knew it
couldn’t have fallen on its own. And why didn’t the lights come on when it
moved? She took the offered book from Liam and rubbed her hand over the old
leather. Someone had taken great care to keep it oiled and the leather supple
as sin. For now, its contents were silent. Not all texts spoke with her –
perhaps this one would later, or never would.
“Ready?” Liam
opened the door and waited for her to follow.
Her mind said
no, definitely not ready to see Krieger, but her heart beat faster, and she
remembered his cool, calm voice, and how she loved the ambiguous color of his
hypnotic bluegrey eyes. The night before Lily’s mother was discovered and she’d
fatally stabbed Henry, Lily had argued with Krieger. From this vantage, Lily
could see how trivial her protestations were. She’d felt he’d betrayed her,
though he hadn’t, and because of her, Krieger had staunched the flow of blood
through the bond they shared. Now, just a hint of warmth was flowing through
her body, that feeling of being connected to him again, that tiny bit of
delicious balm soothing her worries.
the Author:

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A great interview thank you. 2000 years is a long time.
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