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Saturday, April 2, 2011

Video Saturday: Is it ballet or yoga?

For the second day of my A-Z Blogging Challenge, showcasing the letter "B," I'm showing the similarities between Ballet and yoga.

Variations On Surya Namaskara, also known as Sun Salutation

This is a common vinyasa or flowing yoga asana sequence. I'm amazed by the beauty...and difficulty.

Phillip Askew, yoga instructor, and Lydia Walker, formerly of the School of American Ballet, present their "Variations On Surya Namaskara" as part of Columbia Ballet Collaborative's Fall Show at New York City Center Studio on November 22, 2008. With the improvisational accompaniment of pianist Jonah Rank.



RosieC said...

HOLY COW! That's amazing. I love yoga, and I love ballet, and I now have to go and share this video with every person I've ever met. Wow. Thanks! :)

East for Green Eyes

Marsha A. Moore said...

I'm a yoga nut, too! Glad you enjoyed it. I think it's lovely.

Wendy Tyler Ryan said...

Interesting post. I, too, write fantasy romance. I'm following.

Aurora Smith said...

my husbaned and I would kill eachotehr if we did that.

Aurora Smith said...

Im follower #100, Im assuming I have won something? :P

Claire Goverts said...

That was pretty cool. I used to take ballet lessons when I was younger and I recently started yoga. Love them both.

Marsha A. Moore said...

Wendy, Read, and Claire, thanks for your interest! Nice to meet you all. I'll be over to your blogs soon.