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Monday, June 13, 2011

I've found another magical item! How is it used?

For this week’s Magical Monday I’ve uncovered yet another magical item for you to help me describe. How could this be used in a fantasy world? I know it's Monday, but grab another cup of coffee and stretch your imagination!

To me this looks like what an ancient tribesman might use to deflect powerblows of a wizard. It obviously has gotten much use for this purpose, evidenced by all the indentations. None marked near the handle, so I expect this belonged to a skilled warrior. The composition surely is charmed or the strikes would have penetrated deeper. Its general surface appears worn smooth, losing the original finish in spots. Therefore, I expect the item was well-used and a great defensive tool for the warrior who owned it.

What magical use do you think this item has?

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Have you read Tears on a Tranquil Lake yet? You can find it at MuseItUp Publishing or Happy Reading!



Tanja said...

Easy. It was used to protect tables and other surfaces when the skilled craftsmen punched hols into leather belts and tabards. The fact that they used this item, made from wood from an enchanted forest, imbued the items of clothing with magic, making them impervious to spears, and dissolving any acid or poison before it hit the potential victim.

Marsha A. Moore said...

Great idea! Wood from the enchanted forest to transfer magical qualities to the items they crafted. Terrific! Thanks lots, Tanja!

Kerry said...

It looks like it was used to comb a dragon's scales and get the chunks of unfortunate humans out of the chinks. The dragon beautician would be protected from the dragon's wiles and flame since the object is magical and often the dragon would go into a trance. Some dragons, especially those from Feliopia, would purr and give up their treasure to the lucky stylist when the object was used on them.

Marsha A. Moore said...

I love it! A styling tool for dragon beauticians! :-)

Thanks for that great sample of your imagination, Kerry! said...

It looks like the head of a snake. I would say it was used to charm snakes with.

Anonymous said...

I believe it was used to mash and grind herbs with a pestle (pushes into the craters of this stone, mashing herbs) for concoctions in spells, to be used in bags carried on the body for protection or good fortune or good health...or a way to make blends of magical teas.

All blessed by the gods and goddesses through rituals and chants. Truly magical.

Marsha A. Moore said...

An implement for a snake charmer or an alchemist/magical herbalist. Interesting!

I love doing these and reading the variety of responses. I marvel at human imagination...a wonder!

EW Gibson said...

It was the first Karoke mike!

Love your site.

Thanks for dropping by at the SpecSalon.

Marsha A. Moore said...

LOL! Thanks for stopping by, EW!

Uva Be Dolezal said...

I have to agree with zxcvbnm up there in the 1st comment. It collects punctures. Like if your leather water canteen, or pouches of potion gets hit with an arrow. The hole appears in the wooden thing not in the bags.

Marsha A. Moore said...

That is a great use, much needed in magical warfare. Thanks for visiting, Uva!