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Monday, December 20, 2010

Magical Monday: Total lunar eclipse coincides with December’s cold solstice full moon for first time in 372 years

"Aim for the moon. If you miss, you may hit a star."  
~W. Clement Stone
Stone’s quote may be correct for this month’s full moon, which you could actually manage to miss and only see stars.

Lots of magic to talk about for this week’s Magical Monday feature!

Tonight, in the early hours before Tuesday’s dawn EDT, we will have a total lunar eclipse. The glow of the full moon will be draped in shadow of the Earth on the very date of the winter solstice. Three amazing events together!

The passage of the moon through that shadow will be equally visible from all places within the hemisphere where the moon is above the horizon. It will be visible across all of North and South America, as well as the northern and western portions of Europe, a small part of northeast Asia, including Korea, much of Japan, as well as the North Island of New Zealand and Hawaii —about 1.5 billion people will be able to view this lunar phenomenon.  This will be the first total eclipse in 34 months.  

The eclipse will become noticeable when the moon begins to enter the Earth's dark inner shadow, the umbra.  A small scallop of darkness will appear on the moon's left edge at 1:33 a.m. EST (Dec. 21) or 10:33 p.m. PST (on Dec. 20). The moon is expected to take 3 hours and 28 minutes to pass completely through the umbra. It will pass entirely out of the Earth's umbra at 5:01 a.m. EST/2:01 a.m. PST.

During total eclipse, although the moon will be entirely shrouded in the Earth’s shadow, it likely will not disappear from sight.  Instead, it should turn a coppery, reddish color, from the Earth’s atmosphere refracting sun’s rays into the area of the shadow. 

Other names for the December full moon include: the Full Cold Moon; the Full Long Nights Moon; Oak Moon; Moon of Long Nights; Long Night's Moon; Wintermonat (Winter Month); Heilagmonoth (Holy Month); Big Winter Moon; Moon of Popping Trees.  The term Long Night Moon is appropriate because the midwinter night is indeed lengthy, with the moon above the horizon for a long time. 

Nature Spirits: snow faeries, storm faeries, winter tree faeries
Herbs: holly, English ivy, fir, mistletoe

Colors: black red, white and black

Flowers: holly, poinsettia, Christmas cactus

Scents: violet, patchouli, rose geranium, frankincense, myrrh, lilac

Stones: serpentine, jacinth, peridot

Trees: pine, fir, holly

Animals: mouse, deer, horse, bear

Birds: rood, robin, snowy owl

Deities: Hathor, Hecate, Neith, Athene, Minerva, Ixchel, Osiris, Norns, Fates

Power Flow: to endure, die, re-born; Earth tides turning. Darkness. Personal alchemy. Spiritual paths. Reach out to friends and family, the lonely and needy.

Be sure to stay up late, or get up early. For all this lunar magic to coincide again in N. America you’ll have to wait until April 14, 2014. So, don’t miss it! 

References: Yahoo News; Months of the Moon
Art references: Dark Moon17 (top); Shadow T Matsumoto (bottom)


jabelfield said...

I love the full moon. No matter what anybody else's beliefs, my entire household acts a little hooky on those nights. This is definitely a rarity to look out for though. Thanks for sharing :)

amy kennedy said...

I agree -- my family, and workplace as well. I always love the Winter Solstice, so to have a full moon and a lunar eclipse all happening at once, truly makes it magical.

Marsha A. Moore said...

I think with all these events together, we may be more than a little hooky that night.

Thanks for coming by, Amy and Jabelfield!

Bobbye Terry said...

I like to think of the full moon as a time when dreams can come to fruition. With this alignment, it's time for great things to happen.

Marsha A. Moore said...

I find subtle magic all around in nature that inspires much of what I write, but this event is so dramatic, it can't be overlooked as truly enchanting--a time when great things may well happen.

Thanks for coming by, Terry.

Savanna Kougar said...

Marsha, so beautifully expressed about the Lunar Eclipse on the Winter Solstice... I'm hoping it won't be overcast so I can witness this magical event.
Last night the almost Full Moon was exceptionally white-silver gorgeous.

Marsha A. Moore said...

Thanks lots, Savanna!

Anonymous said...

I need to figure out how to receive my FF&P digest before it's too late. I missed this. :( Guess, I need to sign up for a different way to receive FF&P posts. Any suggestions that don't include over-running my email?

Love the picture!

Marsha A. Moore said...

A good way to handle that is to go individual mail from the loop and then in your mail system set up a folder with FF&P directed automatically to it.